Capacity & Equipment
Capacity and Equipment
Production Equipment

Fixed Head Machining Department

  • 1-BNJ42sY 2015 (Fixed Head)
  • 1-BNJ42SY6 2022 (Fixed Head)
  • 1-ABX51Y 2012 (Fixed Head)
  • 1-Doosan Puma tt1300syy 2021
  • 3-HYDRAFEED Rotarack part handling system
  • 3-J&S parts handling system
Total of 4-off Fixed Head machines

Sliding Head Machining Department

Total of 22 STAR CNC Machines
Capacity and Equipment
Inspection Equipment
Inspection Equipment
Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning Equipment
  • Mexwash Solo Aqua Spray wash
  • Pero Cleaner (nov 2016) - Automatic conva feed 1601 Mod-achohol cleaning machine
Computer and Software
Computer and Software
Capacity and Equipment
Production Equipment
  • Doosan DNM400 (2014)
  • Doosan DNM500 (2016)
  • Lang Robrex - robot loading cell - 24hr production
  • 2x DVF5000 (Jan2019)(feb 2021) 5axis Milling machine with Robot loading cell - 24hrs production